Azure Lab- pt2 Creating Storage
We will really call this 2a, as in the session Storage and Compute were done together. I instead will break these up, just for ease of reading.
In this section we build the the storage account that was ultimately associated with the Veeam Backup for Azure appliance. This will be a storage account that can be associated with all the storage needs. In fact, in my own lab it holds separate containers for my Veeam Backup for Azure Appliance, Backup for O365 and Cloud Tirering. Azure storage account contains data objects: blobs, files, queues, tables, and disks. This account provides a unique namespace for your Azure Storage data accessible from anywhere in the world over HTTP or HTTPS. We will discuss priuvate conections to the storage accoutn in a slightly later post, as we discuss Private Endpoints.
For this lab, we started from the Resource Group built earlier in the lab. Again, making sure everyone kept their resources together. From within the Resource Group we selected New and searched for Storage.
This brings us right to the Storage Account Blade, where we start the set-up.